My story is not for the religious or the atheistic or the agnostic... it is for everyone interested in the truth. This blog contains first drafts of poetry and prose for my series of books on Christ, the first of which, Waking Up Jesus, is being greeted kindly by critics. Thank you... John Scott Ridgway
The ongoing story of Jesus waking up in Chicago, in the body of an agnostic writer,
who is nothing like the Son of God the right-wing Christians watching him expected.
You are welcome to share my work with a link bank... keep getting asked this...
Last time I was here, I told them I would not lead a revolution, that I was there to spread heresy. The crowds thinned. The day they killed me, I marched alone... This time I have returned to find Romes Soldiers Sleeping, content they have killed off the Troublesome Jew. I was surprised how bloody the Indiana boy became as my sword fell again and again ....
In the years since this story began in 2007, my secret fame has spread out from the halls of power that kept me secret all these years, as they waited for the Christ to finally wake up...
I try to imagine their anticipation.
Remember a dream I had in my twenties about running thru Chicago screaming that Christ was coming back, and man oh man was I happy... a cloud came through the middle of the skyscrapers above me, in the thin strip of blue above Dowtown State street, and I expected to see Christ... instead, just a bunch of musicians painted up like Ziggy stardust.
I surprised my keepers. They thought they had me figured out from the Bible. If that book could have told you everything, there would be no need at all for me.
Jesus: "I have become Known across this planet as a dangerous man with a growing force of hidden followers who value my orders more than life itself. A prophet of war. Once and future King in a court of shadows. Life and death in my hands every damn day. I ROAR, your most mighty shit themselves and run. I make myself a known threat, so I can try to negotiate what otherwise requires bullets and blood. I am here to free the enslaved in body and mind. I cannot be defeated. When the Will of God and The WILL OF THE PEOPLE ARE ONE, NO FORCE ON EARTH CAN STOP US!"
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Hey, folks... I am back
First off, let me thank the almost half a million people who have come in and read my various blogs during this period off. Mostly this happened because the computer I bought was a dud. Now, we have two computers, the internet bill is paid, and so fucking much has happpened.
Okay, first off, LULU has offered to give me the premium package the usually charge 500 for in exchange for being my publishers. This is a life long deal. So now, for the first time, I will be in bookstores and on Amazon dot com and etc....
So far, I have been putting the books up on the blogs, and there has been a certain transition needed to make a book. The only demands LULU hmade on me was that I put ina bio page, and use the universal isbm number needed for sales.
I cannot wait to see the new editions, which will be out in november. I am proud of these books, and have certainly been working my ass.
During my period away from the computer, I have been oil painting, and setting up a studio with my new partner. He is a master carpenter, professional photographer, and he is not only buildihg us octagonal sets, but he has he tons of toys we can use for the characters. See, we are going to shoot like a hundred of my movies. I will do a lot of these with puppets that I am making out of art dolls. I basically come up with weird faces.... we are working on getting a computer animator to work with us eventually, but for now since we have all these toys we have to palay with them. I am talking submarines we can use in the lake, little helicopters, hundreds of robots... so many robots...
I also have mp3's of most of the peace and pipe dream shows, the internet radio program we did last year, before we all got sick of the lies of the owner. He promised to shoot all my films, let us broadcast from in front of a green screen, etc... and then he had just about enough money to put us on the air twice a week. The emphasis on weed heads brought us a lot of holywood interest.... I was honored to get criticism from Robin Williams, find out Tommy Chong was laughing along. When we had live audiences the were guffawing. Jimmy and Susanne, the highly talented folk I did the show with, want to keep the Haze family alive in films, so I will write a few of them... they have a lot of fans,.
I have also finally been decoratingour apartment. We took such a move down this tim e tha I had not even bothered to put up
I found a tiny gray kitten a few weeks ago. Little thing cried out to me, and then immediatly ran in front of a passing car. the dude slammed on his breaks. Feeling like the world was a bit too cruel for my tastes, I knelt down... and of course out runs this great looking grey kitten. I held him to my chest and he began putting like a drum... the driver was all like, I'll drive it down to the pound... where they would have cut his balls off at four weeks ( usually it is six months) and he stood a chance of getting killed. Which he would have, I later figured out,, because between being this sweet kitty who loves to be kissed, to a basically demonic force attacking everything from the leather couch to a ball of Ruby dog hair on the floor.
The most amazing part of this has Been Ruby's reaction. She immediatly began mothering the kitten. She cleaned it and and started freaking out if other dogs got close to Dash ( she just ran between the kitty and dog when dash, who is certain moods, like I said, is just attaclomg everything possible, as he deals with being filled with that pure kitten joy. Watching this husky, who basically looks like a wolf and is all teeth and cool blue eyes ( she scares the hell out of people, basically, which is part of why no one messes with M. when she is walking Runy), gently playing with the kitty, mouthing (taking paws, heads, torsos, etc... in her moth and biting just enough to hold Dash down with out hurting hims.
We recently bough a lot of cameras, since we are doing the animation in a, and I hate to make this comparison because our content will be very different... nut like Robot Chicken.
I am excited about writing the thank yous and acknowledge e ts in my books. I am trhying to make it funny,because I generally skip this shit until the end of the book, than if I really like the author, of course I am hungry for anything about them.
The Jesus aspect of my life has been on the down low, thogh on Saturdays that will chang ea bit when I join operation push. Rev. Jackson's son, the spokesperson for operation push, studied finance and i have found his explanations ot the crises with the the mortgages the most easily understood, and outraging. They speak for the the little guy there, and want a package that will save the homeowners, as wel as the damned backs. My brother lost his house because of this shit. another friend of mine worked for one of the these sleazy companies and kept teling me I could get a house, even I live a small disability and M. does social work and both of us fucked up our credit. Me with all the medical bills of course, and her with a flush of credit cards she used after losing a high paying job and refusing, at first, to face her new poverty.
I am going to operation push's first saturday service tom. after listening to his speaches over and over. You know, i studied Military Intelligence at NEIU under an ex black panther (he was actually a prominate Jewish anti war agent, who refust vioolence and what not... he was a young professor at the time. I learned about all the tricks the fbi uses.
Sure came in handy when Homeland Security basically attacked me. They took down my blog and changed some of the stories, taking out violence. They also blocked it from certain parts of the country, let alone the world.
I guess they have a right to fear me... here I am, a legitimate king of england, if not fo the german hapzburgs taking over... I will be republishing an out of print book that takes us back to like 300 hundred. I never thought this would have been important to me, but I only discovered all this shit and 32 and it has kind of given me someonething to liv up to. You will not believe how wealthy we were. We funded webminster abbey by giving the church hundreds of villanges and towns.
I drove cab for fifteen years, and just kind of studied whatever seemed like I would nee to be a good novelist --- a writer whgse fucking first book wouldn't be about some damn coming of age novel. I tried to do a video thing of Columbia's professors and if they weren't writing semi rascist coming of age novels, it was book length poem on unicorms.
Oh, well. We also have in the works a thing where we will show you all of the differenbt neighborhoods in chicago, the artists who live and work there, and well as//// well, We are are going to start going to old folks holms and recording five minute interviews too, in a differrent vein. When I interview people, I ask them to write the questions I should ask. I figure everyone has pretended to get interviewed a time or two....
I have a warm cat on my lap, but I must go down to the sas station and buy coffee, since we are out and I am staying up all night. I just kind of sleep whenever, four hour battle naps. I finished like five paintings, and deesigned qute a few more. The break form the cdomputer was kind of nice, though I apologize to those who are involved in the total waf for total peace who may feel aboned. I have been working on new strategies.
By the way, did you hear that fuck head Tommy Smothers on the emmy's saying that peoplw who thin we can war to peace are just ignorant. That crispy old fuck. When they chased his tv show off the air, he just ran off with his tail between his legs. They came after me with death threats and druggings and other shit... and I soldiered on, survived taking on the neo cons and homeland security, etc... becase my connections made with spies when i WAS going to school proved to them theat i DO NOT BELIEVE IN VIOLENCE.
protestors end up fighting cops, who are just union workers, and that is stupid. Like I say, during a just revolotuion, the police will be the first to march with you.
Did you hear about the sherrif here in cook country who is now refusing to do evictions? That man is a hero. Those fucking banks are using the sherif's like they are employees and and you can imagine how must evictions have jumped recently. One officer said that working evictions was the saddest thing he had ever to done as a cop. I am going to do all I can to help this sherrif to stay in office.
Well, I am so tired that I need coffee. In four and a half hours, I get to put on my new black suit, and this kind of weird shirt, the kind you see mexican's and charlie sheen wearing. This one is black in the back, has a black collar.... then down the two sides are strips of whit with red and black designs, going up and down in a colum in the middle of the white... the red and blke designs elude to languages and fire;. When I was at the church store when i ALWAUS SHOP when I can (The two sisters behind the counter always give me the best advice, and know my size and taste and are as sweet as honey). It is a nice hipter outfit,
Since I am going to be doing all these films, I have losing writing and working out. for me this mjeans I
This is a work in progress, at 3 am, and I will keep writing on it for awhile...
You are welcome to spread my poems by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
There is some overlap... but they are all different.
Okay, first off, LULU has offered to give me the premium package the usually charge 500 for in exchange for being my publishers. This is a life long deal. So now, for the first time, I will be in bookstores and on Amazon dot com and etc....
So far, I have been putting the books up on the blogs, and there has been a certain transition needed to make a book. The only demands LULU hmade on me was that I put ina bio page, and use the universal isbm number needed for sales.
I cannot wait to see the new editions, which will be out in november. I am proud of these books, and have certainly been working my ass.
During my period away from the computer, I have been oil painting, and setting up a studio with my new partner. He is a master carpenter, professional photographer, and he is not only buildihg us octagonal sets, but he has he tons of toys we can use for the characters. See, we are going to shoot like a hundred of my movies. I will do a lot of these with puppets that I am making out of art dolls. I basically come up with weird faces.... we are working on getting a computer animator to work with us eventually, but for now since we have all these toys we have to palay with them. I am talking submarines we can use in the lake, little helicopters, hundreds of robots... so many robots...
I also have mp3's of most of the peace and pipe dream shows, the internet radio program we did last year, before we all got sick of the lies of the owner. He promised to shoot all my films, let us broadcast from in front of a green screen, etc... and then he had just about enough money to put us on the air twice a week. The emphasis on weed heads brought us a lot of holywood interest.... I was honored to get criticism from Robin Williams, find out Tommy Chong was laughing along. When we had live audiences the were guffawing. Jimmy and Susanne, the highly talented folk I did the show with, want to keep the Haze family alive in films, so I will write a few of them... they have a lot of fans,.
I have also finally been decoratingour apartment. We took such a move down this tim e tha I had not even bothered to put up
I found a tiny gray kitten a few weeks ago. Little thing cried out to me, and then immediatly ran in front of a passing car. the dude slammed on his breaks. Feeling like the world was a bit too cruel for my tastes, I knelt down... and of course out runs this great looking grey kitten. I held him to my chest and he began putting like a drum... the driver was all like, I'll drive it down to the pound... where they would have cut his balls off at four weeks ( usually it is six months) and he stood a chance of getting killed. Which he would have, I later figured out,, because between being this sweet kitty who loves to be kissed, to a basically demonic force attacking everything from the leather couch to a ball of Ruby dog hair on the floor.
The most amazing part of this has Been Ruby's reaction. She immediatly began mothering the kitten. She cleaned it and and started freaking out if other dogs got close to Dash ( she just ran between the kitty and dog when dash, who is certain moods, like I said, is just attaclomg everything possible, as he deals with being filled with that pure kitten joy. Watching this husky, who basically looks like a wolf and is all teeth and cool blue eyes ( she scares the hell out of people, basically, which is part of why no one messes with M. when she is walking Runy), gently playing with the kitty, mouthing (taking paws, heads, torsos, etc... in her moth and biting just enough to hold Dash down with out hurting hims.
We recently bough a lot of cameras, since we are doing the animation in a, and I hate to make this comparison because our content will be very different... nut like Robot Chicken.
I am excited about writing the thank yous and acknowledge e ts in my books. I am trhying to make it funny,because I generally skip this shit until the end of the book, than if I really like the author, of course I am hungry for anything about them.
The Jesus aspect of my life has been on the down low, thogh on Saturdays that will chang ea bit when I join operation push. Rev. Jackson's son, the spokesperson for operation push, studied finance and i have found his explanations ot the crises with the the mortgages the most easily understood, and outraging. They speak for the the little guy there, and want a package that will save the homeowners, as wel as the damned backs. My brother lost his house because of this shit. another friend of mine worked for one of the these sleazy companies and kept teling me I could get a house, even I live a small disability and M. does social work and both of us fucked up our credit. Me with all the medical bills of course, and her with a flush of credit cards she used after losing a high paying job and refusing, at first, to face her new poverty.
I am going to operation push's first saturday service tom. after listening to his speaches over and over. You know, i studied Military Intelligence at NEIU under an ex black panther (he was actually a prominate Jewish anti war agent, who refust vioolence and what not... he was a young professor at the time. I learned about all the tricks the fbi uses.
Sure came in handy when Homeland Security basically attacked me. They took down my blog and changed some of the stories, taking out violence. They also blocked it from certain parts of the country, let alone the world.
I guess they have a right to fear me... here I am, a legitimate king of england, if not fo the german hapzburgs taking over... I will be republishing an out of print book that takes us back to like 300 hundred. I never thought this would have been important to me, but I only discovered all this shit and 32 and it has kind of given me someonething to liv up to. You will not believe how wealthy we were. We funded webminster abbey by giving the church hundreds of villanges and towns.
I drove cab for fifteen years, and just kind of studied whatever seemed like I would nee to be a good novelist --- a writer whgse fucking first book wouldn't be about some damn coming of age novel. I tried to do a video thing of Columbia's professors and if they weren't writing semi rascist coming of age novels, it was book length poem on unicorms.
Oh, well. We also have in the works a thing where we will show you all of the differenbt neighborhoods in chicago, the artists who live and work there, and well as//// well, We are are going to start going to old folks holms and recording five minute interviews too, in a differrent vein. When I interview people, I ask them to write the questions I should ask. I figure everyone has pretended to get interviewed a time or two....
I have a warm cat on my lap, but I must go down to the sas station and buy coffee, since we are out and I am staying up all night. I just kind of sleep whenever, four hour battle naps. I finished like five paintings, and deesigned qute a few more. The break form the cdomputer was kind of nice, though I apologize to those who are involved in the total waf for total peace who may feel aboned. I have been working on new strategies.
By the way, did you hear that fuck head Tommy Smothers on the emmy's saying that peoplw who thin we can war to peace are just ignorant. That crispy old fuck. When they chased his tv show off the air, he just ran off with his tail between his legs. They came after me with death threats and druggings and other shit... and I soldiered on, survived taking on the neo cons and homeland security, etc... becase my connections made with spies when i WAS going to school proved to them theat i DO NOT BELIEVE IN VIOLENCE.
protestors end up fighting cops, who are just union workers, and that is stupid. Like I say, during a just revolotuion, the police will be the first to march with you.
Did you hear about the sherrif here in cook country who is now refusing to do evictions? That man is a hero. Those fucking banks are using the sherif's like they are employees and and you can imagine how must evictions have jumped recently. One officer said that working evictions was the saddest thing he had ever to done as a cop. I am going to do all I can to help this sherrif to stay in office.
Well, I am so tired that I need coffee. In four and a half hours, I get to put on my new black suit, and this kind of weird shirt, the kind you see mexican's and charlie sheen wearing. This one is black in the back, has a black collar.... then down the two sides are strips of whit with red and black designs, going up and down in a colum in the middle of the white... the red and blke designs elude to languages and fire;. When I was at the church store when i ALWAUS SHOP when I can (The two sisters behind the counter always give me the best advice, and know my size and taste and are as sweet as honey). It is a nice hipter outfit,
Since I am going to be doing all these films, I have losing writing and working out. for me this mjeans I
This is a work in progress, at 3 am, and I will keep writing on it for awhile...
You are welcome to spread my poems by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
There is some overlap... but they are all different.
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