My story is not for the religious or the atheistic or the agnostic... it is for everyone interested in the truth. This blog contains first drafts of poetry and prose for my series of books on Christ, the first of which, Waking Up Jesus, is being greeted kindly by critics. Thank you... John Scott Ridgway
The ongoing story of Jesus waking up in Chicago, in the body of an agnostic writer,
who is nothing like the Son of God the right-wing Christians watching him expected.
You are welcome to share my work with a link bank... keep getting asked this...
Last time I was here, I told them I would not lead a revolution, that I was there to spread heresy. The crowds thinned. The day they killed me, I marched alone... This time I have returned to find Romes Soldiers Sleeping, content they have killed off the Troublesome Jew. I was surprised how bloody the Indiana boy became as my sword fell again and again ....
In the years since this story began in 2007, my secret fame has spread out from the halls of power that kept me secret all these years, as they waited for the Christ to finally wake up...
I try to imagine their anticipation.
Remember a dream I had in my twenties about running thru Chicago screaming that Christ was coming back, and man oh man was I happy... a cloud came through the middle of the skyscrapers above me, in the thin strip of blue above Dowtown State street, and I expected to see Christ... instead, just a bunch of musicians painted up like Ziggy stardust.
I surprised my keepers. They thought they had me figured out from the Bible. If that book could have told you everything, there would be no need at all for me.
Jesus: "I have become Known across this planet as a dangerous man with a growing force of hidden followers who value my orders more than life itself. A prophet of war. Once and future King in a court of shadows. Life and death in my hands every damn day. I ROAR, your most mighty shit themselves and run. I make myself a known threat, so I can try to negotiate what otherwise requires bullets and blood. I am here to free the enslaved in body and mind. I cannot be defeated. When the Will of God and The WILL OF THE PEOPLE ARE ONE, NO FORCE ON EARTH CAN STOP US!"
Monday, March 29, 2010
A Militia Was Busted That Claimed They Were Going To Be Fighting By My Side In The End Times.
I hope that nothing I wrote has implied that such help is needed. The end times come, and I need no one. That is the point. What help does the bomb need? A detonator. Who is the detonator of this bomb? God. This war at the end of times is mostly over. I fought on the spiritual realm, as the flesh was waking up, my army of Angels and the dead storming Hell, freeing the souls tricked into serving Satan... and watching as the Dark One was slain by his own son.
Jesus is a power well beyond what you can imagine. Spending your time thinking you are going to protect me, when indeed it is I who protects you, has always made me laugh.
Know my human friends, you would do better to fight for peace than long for war. People who long for war have watched too many movies. War should be dreaded. Even preparing for such a battle shows hubris. What help could a God need from a man? They try to make themselves important, and to describe their importance in the words of man is impossible. When you are back in your soul, you will know all truth. Until then, you won't. I know this is a maddening thought -- especially for me, since I have seen the face of God, and our path... since I live that future even as I live this now and the past long before humans. Time is different than you think... non-existent, actually, except as a way of identifying a street corner in time.
I am not being very clever, poetic, etc... in here this morning. I have been out among the people, in my way, establishing a presence on Facebook. Interesting group of people came to me for friendship, though I think I disappoint a lot of them by not being Alex Jones. I cannot really judge him that well, do not listen, only did a few times, but the issues were so far out there beyond anything that could be proved or whatever.... that they ended up seeming like mere speculation, people who had invented their own version of Dungeons and Dragons to play all day long in their heads, a place far from the mundane lives they live, where everything is embued with the drama of movies and books... they want a story arch. That is what people long for the most. Some create one, go to school, get a job, a wife, kids, a garage full of power tools. Nothing wrong with that. It is safe. It is an old story people have played out for thousands of years.
Others, like myself, go for the artist's story arc, the one that at first ends with us wildly famous, then ends with us, at best, thanking God all we have to do is write, and grateful as hell we get paid to do what we love. Fame and wealth are benefits that bring their own sets of problems, especially the first. I do not know what to think when people hero worship me. Has happened a few times. I hate it.. I am undeserving. Just being a writer does not make you smarter than other people on the big issues. Once someone, blown away by my poetry and half trying to seduce me, asked me if I believe in God like my answer mattered to her. When I quoted Nietzsche, she mysteriously reminded me he went crazy, like his thoughts drove him mad, and no syphilis. Niestzsche is such a sore point to me. He was no Nazi. Liked Jews. Thought all humans had this great potential, especially artists... he was a poet more than a philosopher, but mostly he was someone who understood that people lived by story arches, and the ways people propped them up were not necessarily true. Not such a huge thought anymore, because everyone knows it. A lot of studying philosophy for me was hearing the original source of thoughts I had already encountered in art, especially in music... most generations get most of their philosophy at church, and from music. In my case, my parents, more by osmosis than any words of wisdom, taught me the difference between right and wrong as a very serious matter. Theft was not getting something over on someone, it was the horrible source of internal wounds, guilt, etc.... Like I wrote, once I was cajoled by six kids to steal a piece of candy -- they were filling their pockets. I burst out crying outside the store. Could not stand that I had actually stolen something. I took the candy back and no one was at all sympathetic with my little five year old confession. My mom was pissed.. Disappointed. I certainly never did that again. Thank God, inside of me, is something that respects other people. That is what it is. Respect for other people. A lot of people lose that simple bit of humanity, become bitter and hateful.. I read them everywhere. Oh, well..
Like I have told you, I drove cab or fifteen years, and never once picked up someone who was less than me, or someone who was more... and I am the Christ -- think how much more absurd it is for a human to set themselves up as better than others -- they should explore their past lives, and they would find sympathy for all kinds of ways of being, because they have been there, learned those lessons.... I do not know why souls really keep coming back to the earth. I do not believe in Karma at all. Period. People do not get what they deserve. Everyone deserves a heavenly palace, which is a metaphor for something even more marvelous, of course... if you could see the image of God's face in my mind, you would tremble and drop to your knees... and you would know, we must come together as one tribe.
I speak to Israel today. I am very disappointed in the new settlements. Once again, you have shown your arrogance is the master over your mercy.
Jesus is a power well beyond what you can imagine. Spending your time thinking you are going to protect me, when indeed it is I who protects you, has always made me laugh.
Know my human friends, you would do better to fight for peace than long for war. People who long for war have watched too many movies. War should be dreaded. Even preparing for such a battle shows hubris. What help could a God need from a man? They try to make themselves important, and to describe their importance in the words of man is impossible. When you are back in your soul, you will know all truth. Until then, you won't. I know this is a maddening thought -- especially for me, since I have seen the face of God, and our path... since I live that future even as I live this now and the past long before humans. Time is different than you think... non-existent, actually, except as a way of identifying a street corner in time.
I am not being very clever, poetic, etc... in here this morning. I have been out among the people, in my way, establishing a presence on Facebook. Interesting group of people came to me for friendship, though I think I disappoint a lot of them by not being Alex Jones. I cannot really judge him that well, do not listen, only did a few times, but the issues were so far out there beyond anything that could be proved or whatever.... that they ended up seeming like mere speculation, people who had invented their own version of Dungeons and Dragons to play all day long in their heads, a place far from the mundane lives they live, where everything is embued with the drama of movies and books... they want a story arch. That is what people long for the most. Some create one, go to school, get a job, a wife, kids, a garage full of power tools. Nothing wrong with that. It is safe. It is an old story people have played out for thousands of years.
Others, like myself, go for the artist's story arc, the one that at first ends with us wildly famous, then ends with us, at best, thanking God all we have to do is write, and grateful as hell we get paid to do what we love. Fame and wealth are benefits that bring their own sets of problems, especially the first. I do not know what to think when people hero worship me. Has happened a few times. I hate it.. I am undeserving. Just being a writer does not make you smarter than other people on the big issues. Once someone, blown away by my poetry and half trying to seduce me, asked me if I believe in God like my answer mattered to her. When I quoted Nietzsche, she mysteriously reminded me he went crazy, like his thoughts drove him mad, and no syphilis. Niestzsche is such a sore point to me. He was no Nazi. Liked Jews. Thought all humans had this great potential, especially artists... he was a poet more than a philosopher, but mostly he was someone who understood that people lived by story arches, and the ways people propped them up were not necessarily true. Not such a huge thought anymore, because everyone knows it. A lot of studying philosophy for me was hearing the original source of thoughts I had already encountered in art, especially in music... most generations get most of their philosophy at church, and from music. In my case, my parents, more by osmosis than any words of wisdom, taught me the difference between right and wrong as a very serious matter. Theft was not getting something over on someone, it was the horrible source of internal wounds, guilt, etc.... Like I wrote, once I was cajoled by six kids to steal a piece of candy -- they were filling their pockets. I burst out crying outside the store. Could not stand that I had actually stolen something. I took the candy back and no one was at all sympathetic with my little five year old confession. My mom was pissed.. Disappointed. I certainly never did that again. Thank God, inside of me, is something that respects other people. That is what it is. Respect for other people. A lot of people lose that simple bit of humanity, become bitter and hateful.. I read them everywhere. Oh, well..
Like I have told you, I drove cab or fifteen years, and never once picked up someone who was less than me, or someone who was more... and I am the Christ -- think how much more absurd it is for a human to set themselves up as better than others -- they should explore their past lives, and they would find sympathy for all kinds of ways of being, because they have been there, learned those lessons.... I do not know why souls really keep coming back to the earth. I do not believe in Karma at all. Period. People do not get what they deserve. Everyone deserves a heavenly palace, which is a metaphor for something even more marvelous, of course... if you could see the image of God's face in my mind, you would tremble and drop to your knees... and you would know, we must come together as one tribe.
I speak to Israel today. I am very disappointed in the new settlements. Once again, you have shown your arrogance is the master over your mercy.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
cringing crushed and engulfed in the flames
flesh is a poor mask for what we are
a finite bit of the infinite
a note in an endless symphony
delighting the mind of angel and God alike
we come here into this unknown world
wondering our entire lives when the mystery will be solved
which we cannot solve
when we can get an answer on our souls
is there a bit of holy ghost inside every chest
a spark of soul that is shared by every being created from the dust of God
I am here for the last showdown
The Stand
An end time that throbs in some minds like a migraine
spreads senseless joy in others
I am the Silver Surfer
arriving before Galacticus to tell you your planet is being harvested
your souls time has come to leave
you did as you do to be free/you destroyed the cycle of life
the dead planets around us learned the same trick
every baby bird gotta take that plunge
some fly and some die
This time
the gate keeper walks in your flesh
eyes judgments created for the view of a wrathful God
He has sent his messenger before
time after time
you thought he had left you behind
an alien passing through the galaxy left a bit of life there
maybe to feed on when they pass back by this way in a future too far ahead
for our minds to fathom
who knows what must not be the debate of the Christ
I come with a simple message/we send warriors wherever blood is unchallenged
I will have Justice/for this goddess alone brings peace
I watch the two political parties playing games against one another
the insurance companies doing just about anything to keep their largess
the rigged game they got when they were the biggest lender to the federal government
well that's China now... different world.
I read about an executive billionaire giggling about all the people who lost billions
wondered if he considered the suicides of the middle class slap-stick?
We have built a system that rewards psychopathic behavior
elevated the craziest chimps to the top of the tribe
I wish I could run as a politician
there cannot be that much of a merger of religion and state
I must say my say as a private citizen
those blessed enough to understand my visions will know the wantings in my words
we share the same revolution of ethics/and if they disagree I urge them to do so...
know I accept that I will always be wrong sometimes/ignorant sometimes/speak without all the facts
I am human
you wanted perfection
you were willing to have an eccentric angel
that you prepared the people for...
but then you found you woke up more than you anticipated
the irony of God is unending
still I read of other critics of the intelligence agencies who suddenly surface
thinking they are Christ/and they do a lot of research into brain washing
build cults of war/or to simply deactivate activists
I see mirrors in every face
bits of the give and take between the spirit and the flesh
the holy ghost within them notices me
they have no idea why my smile and hello raises their spirits
crucified last time
now I came prepared with an army
caught the Roman's sleeping
convinced they had killed off that meddlesome jew 2009 years before
I bring my swoard down again and again
a finite bit of the infinite
a note in an endless symphony
delighting the mind of angel and God alike
we come here into this unknown world
wondering our entire lives when the mystery will be solved
which we cannot solve
when we can get an answer on our souls
is there a bit of holy ghost inside every chest
a spark of soul that is shared by every being created from the dust of God
I am here for the last showdown
The Stand
An end time that throbs in some minds like a migraine
spreads senseless joy in others
I am the Silver Surfer
arriving before Galacticus to tell you your planet is being harvested
your souls time has come to leave
you did as you do to be free/you destroyed the cycle of life
the dead planets around us learned the same trick
every baby bird gotta take that plunge
some fly and some die
This time
the gate keeper walks in your flesh
eyes judgments created for the view of a wrathful God
He has sent his messenger before
time after time
you thought he had left you behind
an alien passing through the galaxy left a bit of life there
maybe to feed on when they pass back by this way in a future too far ahead
for our minds to fathom
who knows what must not be the debate of the Christ
I come with a simple message/we send warriors wherever blood is unchallenged
I will have Justice/for this goddess alone brings peace
I watch the two political parties playing games against one another
the insurance companies doing just about anything to keep their largess
the rigged game they got when they were the biggest lender to the federal government
well that's China now... different world.
I read about an executive billionaire giggling about all the people who lost billions
wondered if he considered the suicides of the middle class slap-stick?
We have built a system that rewards psychopathic behavior
elevated the craziest chimps to the top of the tribe
I wish I could run as a politician
there cannot be that much of a merger of religion and state
I must say my say as a private citizen
those blessed enough to understand my visions will know the wantings in my words
we share the same revolution of ethics/and if they disagree I urge them to do so...
know I accept that I will always be wrong sometimes/ignorant sometimes/speak without all the facts
I am human
you wanted perfection
you were willing to have an eccentric angel
that you prepared the people for...
but then you found you woke up more than you anticipated
the irony of God is unending
still I read of other critics of the intelligence agencies who suddenly surface
thinking they are Christ/and they do a lot of research into brain washing
build cults of war/or to simply deactivate activists
I see mirrors in every face
bits of the give and take between the spirit and the flesh
the holy ghost within them notices me
they have no idea why my smile and hello raises their spirits
crucified last time
now I came prepared with an army
caught the Roman's sleeping
convinced they had killed off that meddlesome jew 2009 years before
I bring my swoard down again and again
the blood on my hands
even this indiana boy was shocked
as I raised my sword and slammed it down over and over
crimsom splashing sticky into my hair/salty and thick in my mouth
Excalibur storied weapon
a bit of nothing compared to the magic I can call on
the end of life
a reaper
Christ the redeemer comes to toll the bell for you
to give a context to the great burning your scientist see coming
as prophets have glimpsed since time immortal
out there I see your work and how we are moving on ever day
the stars have fallen from the skies
after I asked them to walk among the people
driven underground as any movement will be that threatens all they think they hold dear'
I would turn their water into the finest wines
give them glorious mansions in heaven and the indescribable passions of the Angels and Gods
seekers humans
soon we are going to the face of God
I would stop this if I could
this is why only God knows when the end will come
listen to no man who claims to be a god
or knows when the end is coming
or has some kind of pipeline to god or the spirits
or asks you for more money than they need
fame and wealth the golden cows
that have sent this Moses up onto the mountain
where I have been told to tell my people to destroy their false prophets
God bless says the Christ
no one else will ever understand what is happening to me
this road I have taken in the past and future and a now even as i mourn another coming
oh, what the hell
the sun is out
and the beach is calling
let the stars spin on alone
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